Thursday, May 19, 2011

Boulder Problems Less Traveled...

This slightly overhanging face on the Prison Boulder in Caroga Lake holds some high quality boulder problems.  A mere 2 min. walk from the parking area brings you right to this massive glacial erratic.  Depicted here is Murph on the notorious traverse sequence on "Luck of the Irish".  The stand start has seen multiple repeats but the sit start has gone unrepeated for over two years now.  Over 20 hand movements throughout the sequence, rumored to be around the V11/12 range.

About 5 miles southeast of the Nine Cornered Lake parking lot and Pine Lake is a small collection of boulders/cliff bands adjacent to the Pinnacle Restaurant property.  We developed this area about 5 years ago when frequenting the boulders at Nine.  The boulder problem shown above is an undone climb up a prominant overhanging face.  Here Nile Baker (AKA Icey) is wrapping up the stand start that I established during sessions of working out the beta.  This problem does go...but who can link it all together?  Another possible Caroga Lake double-digit boulder problem.


  1. Two strong ADK climbers gone 'Gunkin'...quite a shame really

  2. Soon Hogwarts will no longer be safe... I hear rumors that a certain dark wiZard has returned? He who shall not be named, is BACK!
