So the rain this past Saturday forced me to slow down a bit...but only a bit!
I have been on a non-stop mission working on new routes and trying old test pieces deep in the forests around Caroga Lake. Looking back over the past month and a half I am realizing just how good we have had it this summer with the weather. Everything has been dry, the bugs have been tolerable and somehow the projects just keep stacking up. One of these trips I should finally be able to write one or two of them off...maybe? Hopefully? It doesn't really matter, it has been and will continue to be a great learning experience and has been loads of fun.
So we got poured on in the woods on Saturday. Later that night back at the house as I tried to dry off I decided it was time to wrap up a few more climbing holds sets that I have been working on for Element Climbing. These sets are designed to supplement the "Core Pocket" set that I created a few months ago. Keep an eye out for some XXL holds in the near future to match these sets as well! The owner of the company has also mentioned that he has molded and poured a few sets of the screw on holds that I sent out last time....pretty excited to see how they climb!
Keep crushing everyone! I have a slew of hard routes to keep dreaming about...
Media Update:
Core Sloper Set |
Core Jug Set |
Core Jug Set |
Core Pinch Set |
Core Sloper Set |
Core Pinch Set |
Core Pinch Set |
Core Jug Set |
holds look awesome buddy. No rain in Rumeny, and no ethics here. Bolts galore! Come up this weekend deet dat deet
ReplyDeleteGreat to see the newness.I was talking with some climbers and the comp came up. when do you think the push for the comp this year is going to be.Is it going to be on the same date ect. is there going to be a comp at Nine this year.How can we help if so.Peace
ReplyDeleteKyle, trying to work out all of the details with DEC for a climbing event again this year. Basically, if I am going to advertise this years event as a competition, I need to secure special event liability insurance to satisfy a requirement to get a "Temporary Revocable Permit" from NYSDEC for the event. I am currently working with the Access Fund and some insurance agencies to figure this all out. I am shooting for mid October this year so the condtions will be more ideal for an event. Rumor has it that Josh Helke of Organic Climbing is going to make a personal appearance and have some gear to give away. I will keep you posted as more details get finalized.
DeleteMurphy, wish I could make the trip happen...had some prior arrangements for Friday evening and naturally some more Lost Hunters action planned for Friday. Should have a project or two ready for you by the time you're back in the area. Crush it up there in Rumney...hit China Beach at night with a headlamp, no humidity deet deet
ReplyDeleteI got to climb on your core pockets at AIR was glad to see them. I recognized them right away hope things are well any updates on the comp.Any one that has not gone or does not go to The Edge there is a comp there 8/18/12 that is tomorrow Saturday come crush.
ReplyDeleteKyle, keep your eyes open for the new core series holds. Element Climbing has molded the core jugs, slopers and pinches and they should be available soon.
DeleteAs for the comp, things are not looking so good. The attorney I was working with through the access fund had an initial proposal of $460 for the special event liability insurance but now has raised it to $1,500-$2,000 to cover all participants. I am still looking into more options, but at this point it has become a serious headache.
I will keep you posted as I fiind out more details.
Is it not possible to just have the word spread and have people show up to climb on a set date no official "comp" per say.large groups go up there all the time there is no fee like last year so how does that constitute a official event anyway.With no fee there is no liability there is no entry just individual climbing like a large night session.Each person is climbing at there own risk like any other time.The portion that would be a liability would be prizes and figuring out if there are any how to do it and not place anyone in a liable state a free raffle ect.
ReplyDeleteKyle, this is an option that I am pursuing. The issue is that if I were to post flyers or mention the event online...NYSDEC would require me to have this permit. I did mention that large groups frequent the area every weekend anyway. We might have to treat it like a trail cleanup day and then whoever wants to climb can do just that.