Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Another Session at 9 Cornered

This past Saturday, Sully and I waited until later in the day to hit up the 9 Cornered Lake boulders. This time of year, waiting until the evening to climb so the heat, humidity, and bugs can calm down yields some great results. It was rather enjoyable to walk out of my local bouldering area via headlamp late at night after hours of seclusion in the largest developed boulderfield in the Adirondack Park.

Enjoy the video update...


  1. i just watched the video with no issues...

  2. Chris,
    Any luck with viewing the video? It seems to work okay on my computer...but if there are still issues, let me know and I will look into it. Thanks again for the comment!

  3. Same here — I'm getting a big "This video contains content from EMI, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds" error message. Maybe it's related to the soundtrack?

  4. Same thing as Zac; EMI coppyright issue. Not sure why we're getting it and not others. Does anyone know a way around it?

  5. Sorry about that guys...that'll be the last time I use the Smashing Pumpkins in my videos...I will swap out the youtube video later tonight with some royalty free music and repost the video. Thanks again for the views and comments.
